Dedicated to the reproduction of detail, in scale
Specializing in Model Cars, Trucks, Planes, Armor and Sci-fi

Welcome to the Model Room.
To those that do not know me, My name is Wayne aka Kitbash.
Quick rundown of what brought me here..
10 Years ago i started a website with a forum attached and it did fairly well. That website was developed on wordpress and didn't cost anything to keep going. Then i took a full time job and got away from the workbench for longer than intended. I found it harder and harder to get time in the last hobby room to work on models. Life was infringing on building and creativity time. Without me posting regularly, the forums died down to barely a trickle. without me adding blog posts the website went stagnant.( although i do still get about 30 -40 visitors a month reading some of the older articles )
Fast forward to 2020, New house, new country ( moved back to the UK to be near wifeys family), new hobby room. if i can figure a way to do it......new Blog?....
I plan to import and update some of my old articles, write some new ones. add in some product reviews of things i have used in the past or an still using now. Adding in a how to section. Offering a Builder of the Month spot for experienced builders that want to share some of their magic. Not just their builds, but tips and tricks to help others up their game in the scale model realm.
This will not just be Model Cars, Trucks and Bikes. I intend to have a Military section along with an Aviation section and rounded out with a Sci-fi / Fantasy section. A well rounded modeler will find useful advice and direction from each and every area to integrate and improve their own modeling skills.
I am going to try as much as possible to keep things free for everyone, but, i do have to tell you, things have changed on the net. where i used to be able to get free image hosting to link into the site, that's gone now. i am stuck using paid alternatives to get the site running. If it becomes a burden i may add in a subscription cost of a buck or two to help subsidize the cost down the road. i don't see where a buck a month would be detrimental to anyone's pocketbook or be a deal breaker for the amount of info i hope to provide. We will see....
I would like to hear from you to gauge whether there is enough interest to make this website feasible. Ideas and comments are always welcome to make improvements or even change direction if the need arises.
Drop me a line on the simple form below.
Cya soon