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Cheap Modeling Gear

check your local dollar store and have a look in the beauty aisle

mainly because , yes i am that flat broke busted lol

here are some of the things you can find

everything you see there was 7 dollars plus tax, each pack of emery boards has 36 boards of varying grit in them, beats the hell out of prices hobby lobby wants for sanding sticks and work just as well for 90% of the applications

the black rubber bands in the top right corner will be used for my fan belts ( they are that thin and made of real rubber)

thick and thin superglue, 2 for a dollar on each of those

and a dental kit, i picked this one because it has a double ended pic in it that is great for rescribing panel lines or getting into those hard to reach places

the toothbrush will be used for clearing sanding debris from the panel lines ans the mirror thingy has a spatula thing on the end that will be a putty spreader for a while. hey for a dollar ya cant knock it. lol

and the last item in this haul is a pack of electrical shrink wrap ( think header collectors or roll bar padding)

if you know where to look, the hobby doesnt have to be expensive


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