A lot of car modelers use something called flock to simulate scale carpeting in their vehicle builds. I find the flock ( in my eyes ) looks out of scale.
I prefer to use something different for my carpeting.
This is my flocking material of choice.

Embossing powder, very fine grained media. smaller than sand and takes paint beautifully.
The pledge floor care ( acrylic clear ) acts as the adhesive.

using an old lid as a pallet i brush a thin coat of the acrylic everywhere i want there to be carpet.

you want a nice even coat, no puddles or dry spots. this will make it so the coverage is uniform across the floor pan. notice there is no clear over the floor mat.

Now, working over a clean sheet of paper, that makes it easy to return the excess back into the bottle, i pour a liberal amount of the embossing powder over the floor pan.

After waiting 10-15 minutes, i flip the floor pan and tap the bottom to knock the excess loose. the paper can now be picked up and used as a funnel to put the left over powder back into the container for future use.

for this interior i am going to thin down some apple barrel acrylic and use my airbrush to apply it to the floor pan.

3 coats of black later, i have something that looks more in scale to me than flocking.
let me know what you think.